These are some of the more 'peculiar'
(i.o.w. not the obvious) things for which I've been thankful this past week...
- Potluck dessert tables. / No explanation needed.
- That I actually went running over the weekend. / Twice. Outside. Proving once again that I'm in a different shape than I'm trying to be in.

- Fluxx game. / For a guy who likes knowing/playing/living the rules and games that depend on strategy & skill instead of randomness, this low-strategy-required game of ever-changing rules is a blast. (Props to Steve & Nicole for getting us in on this game.)

- Holidays. / Our Thanksgiving (& Christmas even more so) may be hectic, but I like the change of focus to family, relaxation, and giving thanks to Our Heavenly Father.
- JT in his tux AND that he walked all the way down the aisle AND that he stood up on the stage for at least half of the wedding. / He was way cute, but I wasn't too sure he would pull off those last two parts.

- Catching up with an old friend. / Last Tuesday was definitely the longest I've ever sat in a Qdoba for lunch. God be with you till we meet again, Sprock.
- Watching JT play with his cousin-to-be. / We're excited about T & C officially joining the family this spring.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!