As our world becomes more and more globalized, we will need to become more and more glocal (thinking globally & acting locally). (You can find out about glocalization here. You can read Leonard Sweet's introduction of the term into Christianity in Soul Tsunami.)
Our recent Faith in Action weekend was wonderful...and for sure, our congregation needs to keep growing in respect to serving our own community in the name of Jesus. Still, we need to also grow in our ability to "think globally" about the Great Commission. One tool for doing so as individuals is the website for the American Baptist Churches' International Ministires.

At this site, one can browse through the various works of ABC missionaries throughout the globe. You can also browse by type of mission work being done, including:
- Training Future Church Leaders
- Leading people to faith and starting new churches
- Creating Economic Opportunity and Building Futures
- Opening the mind, empowering the heart
- Promoting health in an HIV-AIDS world
- Abolishing Human Trafficking
- Seeking peace and offering refuge
So if you've got a few minutes and an internet connection, go "think globally" for a bit. And see if you can help think of ways we can be "acting locally".
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